zh3r0 Ctf Writups

zh3r0 Ctf Writups

Lets start with some trivial ones: they don’t need any explanation just a screenshot would explain it all

Name- Pizza

Category - Web

See the source code of js file

Name- Cake

Category - Web

Always remember to see robots.txt

Name- Tasty Snacks

Category - Web

The name and screenshot are self explanatory

Name- Pasta

Category - Web

See the code JSFUCK Spotted!!

Decode it !!

visit the page directly no need to login!!

Name- Ice Cream

Category - Web

Ask Finch about it or use the dig in cmdline :)

Name- Rainbow

Category - Misc

Create a wordlist using the criteria given

colors =["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet"]
for color in colors:
		for i in range(100):
			print color.upper()+str(i).zfill(2)

brute with john using the wordlist generated

Name- A mix of Everything

Category - Misc

Lets start with cracking the zip

Open the binary in ghidra the EEEE function name looks suspicious so lets check it we get a strings that is xor with 2

Lets used cyberchef for xor on xor we get base64 string on further decode we get a link to website

On website we get a base encoded string

back to cyberchef

That looks like a password to pdf file lets use it to open pdf We got a image ,save it!

Run zsteg to get the flag!!

Nice challenge literally a mix of everything!

Name - Audiona spectorum

Category - forensics

use any audio tool to plot spectogram and get the flag

its not clear but works for me

Name - Mrs.Norris

Category - forensics

see the exif data of the image we get a base encoded string

Lets go to our best friend cyberchef

Name - Simple_As_hell

Category - forensics

we are given a jpeg and png ,lets use zsteg on png to get the pass

use this pass on image with steghide

decrypt the base encoded string to get the flag

Name - Steganography cracker

Category - forensics

As the name suggest its about the stegcracker tool so don’t try to crack the zip pass use stegcracker on the image given

Name - Cicada

Category - forensics

given a flag.png and guessme.png fix the flag.png it is something like this

so it yields nothing with any other tools

from challenge name cicada the steganography tool used here was outguess we don’t know the key lets try the fake flag as key and we get the flag :)

Name - A message from the Universe

Category - forensics

So here I got a lot of help from the author I will not waste time showing what other things i did

I figured out the key was Robot36 and the key was used to xor the whole wav file so we xor-files to xor to things ,apparent python way doesn’t give us the intented result the author pointed out that to me

Lets decrypt first

So we get an audio and from previous ctfs i knew that robot36 was reference to SSTV signals so you use any software like qsstv or the mobile Robot36 and play the audio and see the magic happening in front of your eyes

Decrypt base64 to get the flag!!!

Its been a long writup will do all master challs in next post!! Hope you liked it

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About Nirmit Shah

Nirmit is a programmer, noob-hacker, a member of Cyberlabs, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.

Pune, India
