Try Hackme Cherry Blossom Walkthrough

Nmap scan as usual
Seeing port 445 open means that it must be SAMBA!! lets use enum4linux ANd yes there is an open share on the smb server
Lets access the share using smbclient
We got a text file ,it had a base64 encoded string so copying the contents of the journal.txt file into new file after base64 decoding it turns out to be a png file after checking out many tools I finally got a zip file using stegpy
WHile trying to unzip the zip it showed that it was corrupted so after getting the file headers correct and trying to unzip for the file it asked for password
I know many people like to use fcrackzip for password cracking but I love JohnTheRipper its da best And almost instantly I got the password
after unzipping the zip I got a ctz file I knew that it was a Cherry tree document but when I used cherry tree to open the file it asked for password
A quick google search on cracking ctz file password gave us that we need to use 7ztojohn
for password cracking
Viewing the contents of the document we got the first flag as well as the wordlist to use for ssh bruteforce
LEts quickly merge all the worlists into a new file and get to the bruteforce
SO we got the creds using hydra
lets login
It seems that there are two users on the machine and Johan is the the person who wrote the diary as J
using linPEAS I got to know about a backup file
on checking it out it turns out to be backup of shadow file
SO we get the hash for johan user
Lets use john as always but make sure to use the wordlist that we made earlier not the great rockyou.txt,It might blow up your computer due to the load,LOL
Lets login I forgot to get the user flag first lets take it
when I used sudo -l the password was shown as asterisks on the screen,seems that its a sudo vulnerablity I will leave that on you to find out the exploit for this vulnerablity
lets run the exploit and get the root
So this was one of the most time-consuming boxes on tryhackme that I have solved Its was a great feeling when I cracked anything using JOhn