Try Hackme Willow Walkthrough

Lets start with the nmap scan on the machine we can see that three ports are open namely ssh ,http ,nfs
lets checkout the http port we get this
Lets decode it using cyberchef
so we are given the ssh login key in numerical form which can be converted to actual key if we know the private key and public exponent
lets checkout the nfs port
So we get the private key and modulus
so we can write a quick python script like this to get the ssh private key
with open("ssh_raw", "r") as raw_text:
data = [int(i.strip("\n")) for i in" ")]
for i in data:
saving the key and brutforcing its password using ssh2john
we get the password lets login!!
lets copy the user.jpg to our local system
it contains our user flag
lets continue with further enumeration
the command sudo -l
give us the following results
So we can use mount as root so we mount the hidden_backup
folder to /mnt/creds
directory and view the contents
After priv-esc to root we check root.txt so it give us this
So it clocked that there maybe a file hidden in user.jpg image as said in root.txt so lets use the root password as passphrase and yup we got the flag
Nice Box , Had lot of fun while figuring out the root flag