Try Hackme Wgel Walkthrough

Nmap Scan Results:-
Nothing interesting in the nmap scan lets check out the http page
On checking the source of index.html we get this
So Jessie is a user for this box Nice ,A thing to remember Lets start with gobuster enumeration
Sitemap directory seems interesting lets check it out
Doesn’t give any special information so lets recursive scan into the sitemap directory
Interesting!! we find a .ssh directory On checking it out we get a rsa key Lets check wether this key has any password or not??
Lets quickly change the permissions of the rsa key and login!!
We get the user flag
lets check sudo -l
so we can run wget
as root nice checking for wget priv-esc we can easily find so many exploits
I used this –
Lets HAck~~~
SO that’s it we get the root flag as well
easy box nothing much to explain here!!
Remember always !!