Try Hackme Vulnversity Walkthrough

Try Hackme Vulnversity Walkthrough

Lets start with the basic nmap scan

This showed that there were 6 ports open on the machine ftp was useless as anon login was not allowed so the only option was the http website lets visit the website on port on 3333

This also does not give us anything useful so lets try using gobuster

We get an interesting directory named internal lets check it out

So it allows us to upload files to the machine lets if we can access the files uploaded by us

Searching for sub-directories inside internal directory

So we got the uploads directory Lets check it out

so I got my php rev shell listed so lets open up a netcat listner and get the rev-shell

So I got the user flag

Lets search the suid binaries

On searching for the suid binaries I came across systemctl binary,It looked interesting On searching systemctl on gtfobins I got this

Lets try getting the root flag using this

So this was a very straight forward maching no need for any crazy things

Keep Enumerating!!

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About Nirmit Shah

Nirmit is a programmer, noob-hacker, a member of Cyberlabs, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.

Pune, India
