Try Hackme OhSINT Walkthrough

this is the writup for the room on try hackme
lets start !! we are given with an image
lets see what exiftool gives us
So we got a username - OWoodflint
lets search for it using and we got that there is a twitter account with this username
lets search google with this username
so there is a Wordpress blog as well lets checkout the twitter account first
we get the answer to first question
there is also a bssid mention by him in a tweet lets geolocate it I found that this is useful
So we find that our target lives in London
On infitely zooming in I find the ssid its UnileverWifi
after a lot of digging I could not find the email so I though of checking github as there might be some repo with the username and yes I got the email
for the 6th question its straight forward we can get it by looking at his blog
for the last question we had to find the password of the person so I searched his twitter account but got nothing so I looked deep into his blog and got the password in the source code
and yup another room solved I found this quiet easy as it was basic recon but practice is always good :)