Try Hackme Mr Robot CTF Walkthrough

So we start with basic enumeration
So ports 80,443 is open nothing special here lets check the site
nothing to find here to lets check the robots.txt file
yup there is the first flag for us
lets get it
now we download the dictionary file running nikto
Nothing interesting here as well,now on running gobuster we got that it has Wordpress CMS so lets try for wp-login.php page
yup its there lets check for username from the dictionary it was elliot kind of guessed it before
now using burp to capture the requests and use hydra
Since the dictionary had lot of duplicates I used used uniq command to make new dictionary so number of tries we have to do be less
lets login using the found pass we get the dashboard
Lets check the editor ,we can edit the 404.php to get php rev-shell lets change the contents of 404.php and get the shell
Stabilising the shell using python
Couldn’t read the key but got the md5 hash of the user lets crack it online
Lets login and get key 2
now checking for vulnerable binaries got nmap
using nmap –interactive to get the shell as the nmap version being used is very old
got the key 3 as well was a good box learnt about how to use nmap vulnerability