Try Hackme Madness Walkthrough

Try Hackme Madness Walkthrough

First of all as we know its nmap scan as always

so we have ports 22,80 open ;lets check the website

we can see a not loadable image lets view that image

lets download and check its hex

as you can see why there is a png header in jpg image so lets repair and view the image

we get a hidden directory lets acesss it

lets check the source

so we have to brute-force the secret so I wrote a short python script to do this

import requests

url =""

for i in range(0,100):
	if("That is wrong!" in response.text):
		print("correct secret :",i)

this gave me the correct secret as 73

I tried bruteforcing the ssh with hydra using the the string given above but it was already written above that this is not the username such a fool so now I tried to steghide the image given on the challenge page

Yupp this gave me the password without any passphrase

So I tried to extract the thm.jpg file also without any passphrase but did not get anything

now with the passphrase we got by entering the secret it got me a username

but as it was given in the hint its ROTen so trying rot13 gives the user

Lets login and get the user flag first

Now lets search for SUID binaries we got this result

Now the screen-4.5.0 looks interesting Using my GOOGLE_FU skills I got this vulnerability

lets copy this script to /tmp directory and run it we got the flag

Happy Hacking!!

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About Nirmit Shah

Nirmit is a programmer, noob-hacker, a member of Cyberlabs, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.

Pune, India
