Try Hackme LazyAdmin Walkthrough

So lets nmap scan the IP
Nothing peculiar lets try gobuster for hidden directories
SO the content directory seems interesting lets check it out
So it looks like the machine is running sweetRice CMS lets enumerate the content directory using gobuster
The inc directory seemed interesting on accessing it there was a folder named mysql backup present there so lets view its contents
So we get the admin credentials in the mysql backup file
the hash was cracked easily using crackstation
lets login into the cms and see what can be useful
on searching through web for rce in the cms it seemed that we can publish ads So we used the php-revshell and posted the ad online
the uploaded file can be accessed from the inc folder so we access it and get the shell
we get the user flag from the home folder
So on checking for sudoers we get that we can use perl as root
So i changed to spawn a reverse shell(use pentestmonkey for help) and execute the perl script as root and got the root shell and found the root flag
We can also user other ways but this was the way I used to get root