Try Hackme Knock-Knock Walkthrough

Nmap scan results show nothing peculiar to explain
lets visit the webpage and download the pcap
the above screenshot show the order in which port were knocked so lets use the port knocker script
now lets knock the ports in order shown and telnet the last port
we get a hidden directory lets access the directory and download the 2nd pcap file
On following one of the tcp streams in the pcap file I find this looks like some kind of foreign language
It translates to 1 3 3 7 so this must be the ports to knock
we get another hidden directory so lets check it seem like base64 lets check
So it gives us the ports to knock and then ssh
we get the username password lets login
but as soon as we login the system logs us out
so lets try the same command with /bin/bash
in additon to it as we get the shell
lets stabilise it using tty
and sudo -l
to check the permissions
so the system name looked suspicious so I looked into it and found that the linux version is outdated and vulnerable so I checked for it online
so we have to compile the code on the machine so I transferred the ofs.c to the box using scp and compiled it to get the binary and then ran it to get the root shell
So nice box !
My first kernel exploit so it was great getting the root shell without any roadblocks