Try Hackme Inclusion Walkthrough

Try Hackme Inclusion Walkthrough

Basic nmap scan as always

Open ports are 22,80 Nothing interesting here lets checkout the website

Here lets checkout LFI-Attack because obviously

So I think it is reading the lfiattack named file so lets change the file to /etc/passwd

we get the credentials as a comment so lets login

so we got the user flag and we can run the socat as root so lets checkout GTFObins for socat

lets configure the env variable and keep the port listening on our machine

so on running the socat on our terminal I get the root terminal

So we got the root on the machine and the flag

That’s all and Remeber

Enumeration Is The Key!!

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About Nirmit Shah

Nirmit is a programmer, noob-hacker, a member of Cyberlabs, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.

Pune, India
