Try Hackme Advent of Cyber Day7 to Day12 Walkthrough

So this is the continuation to the Advent_of_Cyber 25 part Series on
Day7(Task 12)
here we have to do a nmap scan on the given ip and answer some question based on the scan results So_Ezzzz
I used the following command
nmap -v -sT -A
some part of the log results are given below
we see a http server on port 999 we access it on our browser to get the answer to the last question
Day8(Task 13)
So I have to find the port on which ssh is running on so I use the following command
nmap -v -p- --min-parallelism 100
we get the port 65534 open and further scan reveals that it is running ssh
lets ssh into it we now use the following command to find SUID file with user root as the name of the challenge suggest we use the command
find / -user root -perm -4000 -print 2>/dev/null
now the system-control binary looks interesting,on checking it out we find that it executes any command we supply as root so we can get both the flags using this binary
Day9(Task 14)
This is a simple scripting task we just have to write a script to find the value by using requests and json module in python
import requests
import json
while 1==1:
# print(response.text)
if path=="end":
# print(value)
On running the script we get the flag
Day10(Task 15)
So this is basically intro to the metasploit framework
lets start by basic nmap scans
now running nikto to find the vulnerablity in the web server
so we got a strut vulnerablity from nikto lets search for it in msfconsole
configuring the exploit in the msfconsole and running it
now finding the flag using basic regex
and ssh pass from bash_history
now logging into ssh using the credentials and finding the asked info
Day11(Task 16)
This Challenge introduces us to the basic file transfer and database service First of lets nmap scan the ip
Task 1
Here we have to read creds.txt from nfs of the server
Task 2
Here we login using creds as anonymous:anonymous and get the desired file
Task 3
Now login in to mysql database using the credentials found and look for useful data
The task is Done :)))
Day12(Task 17)
So in this challenge we are given a zip file, on unzipping it we find the following
ques 1
we need to find the md5sum of note1 file which can be done easily in the terminal :smile:
ques 2
we need to decrypt the gpg file and we are given the passphrase as 25daysofchristmas
ques 3
we need to decrypt an encrypted text file using the given private rsa key here google comes to my rescue we need to use openssl rsautl