Try Hackme Advent of Cyber Day13 to Day18 Walkthrough

So this is third part to the Advent_of_Cyber 25 part Series on
Day13(Task 18)
I started my day today with one of the most frustrating machines to root ,it was this machine Starting with a nmap scan as usual
we see ports 80(http),3389(rdp) open and found about the services by selective scans Checking out the http page,nothing interesting
running gobuster for hidden directory search ,found a hidden directory retro which turns out to be a blog
checking out the comment by wade,i thought that maybe this is one of the users and got the password as parzival as metioned in the comment
logging into wordpress dashboard doesn’t give us anything useful either
now using Remmina for rdp connection instead of default as it hash gui and easy to use got the user.txt file on the desktop itself which is one of the flag
now on open chrome i got a bookmark refering to a particular vulnerablitiy leading to priv esc in windows server 16 i found a gif related to this
so i start with making the internet explorer the default application as I saw in the gif
I could also see the link to the certificate on hovering around the link
on chossing internet explorer it showed that this page can’t be displayed so lets save it ,just following the gif
using the name field to navigate to cmd.exe file in system32 folder
finally got the command prompt and on checking the user it was the administrator so lets read the root flag
got the flag in the desktop folder of the admin
This was literally one of the toughest one in the series till now as it used knowledge from the previous task as well
Day14(Task 19)
it was just a basics amazon aws bucket access task
I don’t even need to explain it :)
Day15(Task 20)
we have are given a box so lets start with the nmap scan first as always
Lets checkout the webpage get the answer to the first question here itself
As it was mentioned in the challenge title it was a Local File Inclusion(LFI) task it was very similar to the one I did in the Natas wargame so I checked the /etc/passwd file first and we got charlie as one of the users
checking out the /etc/shadow file to get charlie’s password hash
cracking the hash with john
the follwing task was simple just login to ssh using credentials found and read the flag
Day16(Task 21)
This challenge was more of a scripting challenge
we have to find the no. of non-zip files after all the decompression the script is a little bit messy but worked for me
import zipfile
import os
with zipfile.ZipFile('',"r") as zip_1:
# print(list_f)
for a in list_f:
with zipfile.ZipFile("decompress_1/"+a,"r") as zip_1:
task 2
we have to check the metadata of the .txt file found in the previous task and check which all have Version: 1.1 in the metadata
import os
import exiftool
# print(list_f)
for l in list_f:
with exiftool.ExifTool() as exif:
for d in metadata:
# print(d)
# print(d)
# print("\n")
task 3
we have to find the name of the file which contains the string password this can be done simply without using any script with the help of grep
Day17(Task 22)
this task was an introduction to Hydra which is a brute force online password cracking program; a quick system login password ‘hacking’ tool. first we had to brute-force the password for user molly in the http-post-form using rockyou.txt using gobuster to find the login directory ,I am lazy did not wanted to guess the directory
while the brute for login page was running I decided to brutforce the ssh pass in another tab and got the pass almost instantly
next I login through ssh and get the second flag
while the brute force for login was running I viewed the other file present in the server and came across an interesting file which had the initial flag and password for the login form and yet still that hydra script was running,lol
Day18(Task 23)
this task was very interesting as I learnt many more things about XSS rather than it just being a vulnerability we are presented with the site,just a normal login form and register page was not vulnerable to SQLi so registering as a normal user
while logging in we see in the request it shows that there is authid assigned to each user and so is for admin so our goal was to get the authid for the admin
After logging in we get a forum page where we can post a comment and this comment input field was vulnerable to XSS so I read about how to steal cookies using XSS and found an article mention to use
the above thing as payload and the cookie.php file is very trivial one
I setup a php lister at port 8000 and get the admin authid after a few minutes after submitting the comment
Now this authid can be used to forge the cookie and login as admin into the forum That’s it for today