Pwn-A-Day Day-3

Pwn-A-Day Day-3

So I have taken a challenge to this month to do at least one pwn challenge a day for the entire month of May

Day 3

Today I am going to do 2 challenges from this site

Name - bof

So we are given with 2 files the binary and the source code lets view the source code first

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void func(int key){
	char overflowme[32];
	printf("overflow me : ");
	gets(overflowme);	// smash me!
	if(key == 0xcafebabe){
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
	return 0;

So looks like we are given with a buffer 32 bytes long and then we get the buffer using gets which is a dangerous function as it doesn’t stop reading input till new line occurs after that the value of key variable is compared to a hex strings and if it matches a shell is spawned so lets look the binary in gdb-gef

the disassembly of main func

so it does nothing special here just calls a function named func lets check the disassembly of func

So here we can see that our buffer is located at ebp-0x2c and our variable key is located at ebp+0x8 so there is a difference of 52 bytes in between them so we can overflow the buffer with 52 bytes and then supply the value that we want to sent to our key variable

the exploit is given below

from pwn import *


if local:


# p.recvuntil("overflow me :")

we get the flag by using the shell

moving on to the next challenge

Name -flag

so this is just a reversing challenge so we don’t need to do buffer overflow or anything using gdb on binary doesn’t give us anything using strings we get this

So we unpack it with upx first to get the decoded binary

lets view the main function so there is a strings named flag present lets check it out

you can also view it in ida

That’s it for today hope you learnt something !!

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About Nirmit Shah

Nirmit is a programmer, noob-hacker, a member of Cyberlabs, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.

Pune, India
