Muzzybox boot2root Walkthrough

Muzzybox boot2root Walkthrough

So one time for one more box will complete the tryhackme advent of cyber in coming 2 days just bored of those challenges

so I came across this beginner box on google so though let me walk you through it the download link to the box is given below

box Download

Lets start !!

First step as always is Netdiscover So the IP address to attack is

now while running the nmap scan I thought that lets check if there is anything by default at port 80 and yes i was right i got a link to index.txt file

On checking the file it just gave out the tasks to perform in order to root the box

Lets go to the port mentioned in the first task We are greeted with the following site

the idcard.png looked something like this

after hours of enumeration and brainfuck(checking for hidden directries using gobuster and then trying nikto and many other recon tools I was so frustated that I went on to watch Jumanji) After a short break I was once again trying what to Then I thought of editing the idcard.png file as specified on the website and also there was mention of nosql on the website ,so I went to nosql payload all things link and copied a given command in the name tag

And with the help of my great photo editing skills i got this id card

uploading it gave me somewhat of a flag so i]I left it there and moved on to next task as I was frustrated from it

flag1-P!N_!$_123-456-789} I think that trying different payloads would give different results so you can try it !!!

Now moving on to the next task visiting the specified url

this looked somewhat like a jupyter notebook so trying to access the console to see the file present in the notebook directory when trying to ask for pin, trying 123-456-789 which we got in previous flag lets us open the console now its basic enumeration

And this is the second flag for us flag2-N$cTF{R34D_F!L3_/home/webssti/noflag.txt}

based on the flag format the first flag will be flag1-N$cTF{maybe_some_string+P!N_!$_123-456-789}

lets move on to third task this was a trickier one on visiting the website we see that it prints anythin we supply to name parameter

Event php too

so I searched for php injection tool on github and came across this tool now I downloaded and set it up and ran it and it showed that name parameter was vulnerable

So we can also get a shell so re run the command We get a shell and read the file specified in the previous flag

the file contents were about a ssh login creds so loggin in lets try the sudo ls and bash ls commands but it didn’t help us checking the path and permission of sbin folder shows that it belongs to nsctf user and root group

so we can make a file with name ls to read the content of final_flag.txt files whose path is specified in the challenge page and we start up the listener on our side and Bingo!! we got the flag

Final flag-N$cTF{8!NG000!!!__Y0U_D!D_!T_80!!!}

So yup that was it !!
I spent 9 hours on this box despite this being a beginner box but at the end
Enumeration is the Key

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About Nirmit Shah

Nirmit is a programmer, noob-hacker, a member of Cyberlabs, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.

Pune, India
