D33P CTF 2020 Writup

Well This was my first ctf with my newly formed team
Bat Squad
Our standings
This post will mostly contain the forensics writups so Plz bare with me
Name:- Warmup
Points: 50
so we got a jpeg here lets see what strings shows
hope you got the flag??
Name:- findme
Points: 90
So this is also a jpeg Strings doesn’t give us anything lets use steghide what about password???
Remember Read the challenge description carefully
Indeed the author name is passphrase
Name:- MindYou
Points: 90
So it provides us with a zip file
so its a png image opening it gives us a headache
**its corrupted **
lets check hex
so lets fix the magic bytes and get the flag EZ_PZ
Name:- Cr4ckm3
Points: 120
So we got a pdff file and a zzip so lets check the pdf because I said so
its password protected ,no probs pdfcrack to the rescue
Read the file properly dont be lazy copy it to a blank txt file
from here on its easy just stay calm
Name:- Cr4ckm3(v2)
Points: 150
I can’t show you the txt file given here as the writup would be 100 pages long
you just need to know that it is base64 encoded text lets use cybechef as nobody want to do forensics manually its always about finding the righty tools
Interesting We got a qr it gives us the link
See the ur carefully there is something important in it
lets download the zip first
If you cant find the password for zip read my writeup once more
Name:- deepDive
Points: 250
We get a pdf file on viewing there is no hidden text lets view it raw in sublime text there is an interesting hex string there in all the mess it starts with the magic bytes of a png lets see it in cyberchef
Hope you got your answer
Name:- C0rrupt3d Image
Points: 250
So the txt file is a hex string looking at its end I find some bytes matching to the png file header so I reverse the string and view it
So the first four bytes are courrupt them Easy!! Replace them with png file signature and get the flag
Name:- b0ss Obs3rv3r
Points: 500
For this challenge I can’t take credit alone my team mates scripted the observation for me and We got the flag As the challenges says I am the boss observer but very lazy
lets start on viewing the pcap in wireshark i see there is lot of dns packets ,first clue
all the dns packets had ??.d3v1l4l.com in it the first two letter were changing too frequently so as to have a steady connection , second clue
and the start dns packet had the magic bytes of png file, third clue
From here onwards its clear scripting problem
you can use tshark or use regex
I will show you the final png
That’s it for forensics, do comment if you want any other writups